end times


End Time Sign - False Christs 


Matthew 24:4-5,11 .....'many shall come in My Name, saying, I am Christ .... and many false prophets shall arise and deceive many.' ..... This is another sign of the end times, and we have certainly had many characters claiming to either be Christ, or a special "chosen one", people like Jim Jones and David Koresh. But it doesn't stop there, as there are many new age, spiritualist, and satanic cults in the world today that deceive the masses. And we now also have a world full of false preachers within the churches who preach error and deceive millions of people, like the prosperity gospel preachers. And the only reason people are deceived by these is because they don't study the Bible. We need to test everyone against the Word of God to see if what they are preaching is the truth. Now does this mean we cannot trust anyone who claims to be a prophet of God? No, we just need to test what they say against the Word. See Ellen White for an example of a true prophet.

End Time Sign - Famine



Matthew 24:7 ....'and there shall be famine.' ..... We are living in such a time of famine and hunger all over the world today, that there are tens of thousands of people dying of starvation EVERY DAY. What makes this even more sad is that the amount of food that is wasted by the rest of us could feed these poor people who are starving to death. God will judge everyone for what we have done, or what we DIDN'T do. Please see helping the poor and needy.


 Pope to Make 2012 the Year of "Catholic Mary" (January 2012)
"Jesus is a way that can be traveled, open to everyone, the Pope said. He is the path of peace. Today the Virgin Mary points him out to us, she shows us the way. Let us walk in it"
Mary does NOT point out Jesus, nor does she show us the way! The Word of God points out Jesus and shows us the way. You will notice in the news item a picture of Pope Benedict offering a Golden Rose to a statue of Mary, as if it is a living thing. If this is not worship of idols, I don't know what is! I pray that Roman Catholics would wake up to truth about this church.
Expect to see some "signs and wonders" coming from this direction to deceive the masses (2 Thess. 2:9; Revelation 13:13-14).


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